Friday, July 5, 2013


JULY, here we are.
Time for the EOTM (Encouragement Of The Month)

BOLDNESS is passed on from generation to generation.
The BOLDNESS of the Disciples, is what shaped Christianity.
The BOLDNESS of our forefathers, is what shaped America.
But, it's what our generation does with it, that will shape the future.

Once upon a time, there lived a woman, who lived in an out of way home in Central America.
This home was made out of logs, mud, and straw. The kitchen and the front porch where combined, and the whole house, was one room. She was beautiful. Her black hair was tied up, and she wore a black dress. Her skin was coffee brown, and her when she spoke, it was as if she were an angel.
Now, this woman, was a Christian. But her husband was not. He was an abusive evil man!
There was a missions team who came to her and brought her children toys and food, while her husband was away. A young missionary, who didn't know that she was a Christian, started to witness to her, through the translation of her friend.
The woman explained her situation, to them, and told the missionary something that shocked her immensely. The woman who's house, was a wreck, and who's spouse beats her, said she wouldn't leave her husband. She said that she wanted to win him to Christ, and she was determined.
The determination of that woman, Imbedded itself into that young missionary's heart. And she said to herself, “That's BOLDNESS!”
What would you have done in her situation? I don't know about you, but I would've left my husband in a flash. And I'm not proud of that.  

Every time I think of that woman, I think of BOLDNESS.
I think of Determination. Real Determination!

I find the lack of determination in America sad.
Schools, Restaurants, Work. We've lost our Liberty. We've lost our BOLDNESS.

The Declaration Of Independence.

BOLDNESS doesn't have to be spoken, it can be written.
The way our country was established, and discovered, was by Liberty.
Liberty. No Liberty comes without BOLDNESS.
One must be BOLD, to ask for freedom, and to fight for it.

In The Middle of Difficulty, lies Opportunity.

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